Functional medicine addresses the underlying causes of disease to achieve restoration and optimal health. Using a whole body approach the function of each organ, gland, system is reviewed along with your medical history, medication list and treatments to gather a more complete view of your health.
Difference in approach:
In Conventional medicine, you are given a diagnosis and the treatments are based on this diagnosis and suppressing the symptoms.
Functional Medicine Approach:
Functional medicine, does not treat the diagnosis or the symptoms we evaluate your body’s individual needs. In addition the evaluation is not simply focused on the organ expressing the symptoms. Instead, your body is evaluated as a whole. A full functioning machine: each organ, gland, and system reviewed.
Rather than waiting for the body to reach a diseased state your organs are evaluated for optimal performance. The results are far reaching. Our patients notice not only a resolution of the initial symptoms but additional health improvements as we resolve the cause of their health issues.
What to expect with a Functional Medicine Evaluation?
In addition to our questionnaires, consultation and exam Dr Rencher will review your past lab results and may request additional tests for more complete information of your health and condition. Lab Tests may include: Blood, Hair Analysis, Saliva Testing, Mineral testing or Stool tests.
Conditions We Have Helped:
- Fatigue/Insomnia
- Depression/anxiety
- Fibromyalgia
- Hormone imbalance
- Thyroid/adrenal disorders
- Weight loss/metabolism
- Migraines/Headache
- Eczema /Psoriasis
- Autoimmune disease
- Digestive disorders(IBD/GERD/IBS/reflux)
Dr. Rencher’s extensive training in Clinical Nutrition and Functional Medicine will help pinpoint the cause of your conditions and develop customized treatments. Join the list of patients amazed with the restoration and results achieved.